Day 11: 2D one-hot representation

My last post, my CGAN’s architecture does not work and when it is trained, its generator will learn nothing (complete mode collapsing issue). After a few days of research and read a few tips online, I’ve found the architecture for CGAN that works!

Before I describe the specific architecture for CGAN, here are the results:


generated MNIST digits by CGAN. It is easy to interpret each row as a stroke width, stroke style.


generated fashion items by CGAN. It is harder to interpret each row.

The loss of discriminator and generator look much better:


Loss on MNIST dataset


Loss on Fashion-MNIST dataset

The most important component of CGAN is the way we combine class label and actual image/latent vector as one input unit to the discriminator/generator. The choice of architecture either makes or breaks the model.


It takes two inputs: latent vector and class label.

  • Latent vector is a random vector drawn from a normal distribution, mean at 0 with a unit variance.
  • A class label is a one-hot vector.
  • We concatenate these two vectors and use a few feedforward layers to merge them.
  • Finally, we pass the new vector into deconvolutional layers.


It takes two inputs: generated image/real image and class label.

  • Generated image or real image is a 2d matrix.
  • a class label is converted to a 2d one-hot representation. This component was missing from my previous CGAN implementation. I will describe it a bit later.
  • The generated/real image with 1 color channel + 10 channels from 2d one-hot representation.

2D one-hot representation

The idea is simple. For each class label, we represent it as 10 matrices ( or a matrix of size 10 by image width by image height ). For a class label i, the ith matrix is one matrix, the rest are zero.

This representation is simple and combines nicely with the actual 2d image. I will explore deeper into this choice of representations and how it might affect the discriminator.




Day 10: Mode Collapsing on my CGAN

I tried to implement a conditional GAN [1]. At first, it seems to be a straightforward extension of GANs. But I ran into a mode collapsing and it was a mess:

Here are digit 5 generated by the conditional GANs:

Epoch 10:


Start off, it looks okay.

Epoch 50:


wait, the model ignores the class label.

Epoch 100:


So the generator was giving up now?

Epoch 150:


Yup, it is a complete mode collapsing. The generator just gave up.

This is not good. I need to find the right architecture for CGAN or the appropriate hyperparameters.

Ideally, what I want to achieve should look like this:


This is not my image!

I expect to put more efforts in term of training the CGAN model and the pick the right choice of the architectures and hyper-parameters. Stay tune.

